Discover our Public Cloud offer

Shared Hosting for Everyone, imagined by developers, for developers.

Discovering the Public Cloud


Domains are managed from the Domains tab in your administration interface. Buy, transfer or add them when managing your domain. We use the experience brought by reseller GANDI to offer you as many extensions as possible. Contact us if the desired extension is not offered by default.

As GANDI resellers you can receive emails from us, from them and from the registry operators of the domain extensions taken.


Officially invalid (according to IDNA2008), we do not support emojis in a domain name. Our infrastructure uses the Python library idna, which imperatively respects IDNA2008 at this stage.

DNS management

You can also manage your DNS via a conventional system, directly from the Domains tab.

To use our DNS servers, set on your registrar administration panel and

DNSSEC is not yet supported. To be deactivated with the registrar.

The SOA DNS record includes a 32-bit serial number (between 1 and 4294967295). We do not follow the convention of defining it with a date format that comes from a time when zone files were edited by hand. Not following this convention should not be considered an error.